Friday, April 6, 2012

They Were Not Kidding - Nutella IS Awesome!

People in other countries would probably see this as a bonehead post, but since Nutella Hazelnut Cocoa Spread is not big in the Philippines, I only got to try it last month. Out of curiosity mostly, as I spent quite a time hanging out at 9gag and folks there were praising Nutella to high heavens.

We were browsing food items at SM Supermarket in Megamall when I saw a plastic bottle of Nutella . I found it expensive - P161.50 for a 220g bottle - that I almost put it back on the shelf. For someone like me who gobbles up twice or thrice as much bread spread as a normal human being, that small bottle might not last long.

Anyway, when I got home, I ate Nutella before having the sense to take a picture, so here's a picture from the Nutella Facebook Page instead.

Nutella Hazelnut Cocoa Spread

Holy moly! Those 9gaggers were not exaggerating - Nutella really IS amazing!

Nutella reminded me of the chocolate dip of Yan-Yan, which was a favorite snack when I was a kid.
Meini Yan-Yan Chocolate Breadstick snack
image from Amazon

From what I read online, there is now an actual Nutella version of Yan-Yan. Has anyone seen that anywhere here in Metro Manila? Let me know!

People who haven't tried Nutella might expect it to be overly sweet since it's a chocolatey spread. But it's not, at least for me. It goes well with tasty bread, pan de sal, and even crackers.

Oh Nutella, come to mama!


  1. crump is a good alternative to nutella too :)

    1. I'm not familiar with Crump. Is it widely available here and less expensive than Nutella?

    2. I think the brand is Crumpy :) I bought one in Landmark before but didn't like it that much. Hehe so we didn't finish the whole thing, and yes it's cheaper. Nutella is still the best for me.. well next to peanut butter. LOL! :D I wanna try "Nutella & Go"- the cookie sticks w/ nutella dip, i read it in blogs but haven't seen it in the grocery :) what i often see is Yanyan with hazelnut dip.

    3. Ahh peanut butter. Another great invention by mankind lol. I'm loyal to Lily's Peanut Butter. :D

  2. I love Nutella but since it's really expensive, i tried several alternatives and finally stick with GOYA choco hazelnut spread. by far it is the closest to Nutella, to me that is :)

    what you heard was correct, there is a choco hazelnut version of yan-yan...the brown packaging :) i have tasted it and is quite nice. groceries have them already though mist of the time, out of stock :)

    i had fun visiting your blog :)

    1. Great! I was actually looking for a cheaper alternative. Thanks for your suggestion.

      The Yan-Yan version I was referring to was the Nutella brand one, also with breadsticks and a small tub of Nutella on the side. But it was good to know that Yan-Yan has a choco hazelnut version, that's probably a lot cheaper than the Nutella one.

  3. For someone who devours chocolates, I don't like chocolate spreads on my bread. Gusto ko lang sila kainin as is. For spreads, Goober pa rin ako =)

    1. Goober the peanut butter & jelly spread? I don't like that. Haha baligtad talaga tayo.

  4. i love nutella too! :) I agree! it is a great spread for pandesal or tasty bread! :)

  5. Now I'm more intrigued! I just saw an empty bottle of Nutella in the kitchen sink like a few days ago.. if I only knew how great tasting it was, I would've played tug-o-war with my brothers for it. Lol!

    1. Waah you only saw it when the bottle was already empty? Lol!

  6. I love Nutella!!! :D I have it as spread for breads and even on crackers.. I've also noticed that it tasted similar to Ferrero Rocher's chocolate filling, probably this is what they put inside them! :D

  7. Nutella, like Spam, is one of the reasons life is worth living. Lol. I love it. I used to buy it 2 or 3 canisters at a time. I love it so much I even try to score it from abroad because it's cheaper. Yum!!!

  8. uy Nutella...n miss ko tuloy yan...Now craving!

  9. Ofcmates have this in their drawers haha :)

  10. Ooohhh Nutella is manna from heaven :) Well worth its price :) I also heard that Yan-Yan has its Nutella flavor already, haven't tried it yet though, but I am still in constant search :)


  11. my kids' favorite. i would often make crepes and this would be the filling or their one other favorite which is the caramel rhum syrup from stonewall kitchen.

  12. Agree! Nutella really tastes great! no need for bread, biscuits or whatever - just spoon it. I can only indulge with this when I am abroad, here it is so pricey! but sometimes I do satisfy my cravings!

  13. yay..haven't tasted this yet....san ba nakakabili? :D

  14. My son, KURT loves choco spreads
    and this is one of his fave... he just never gets enough
    of NUTELLA! So yummy, he said.

  15. I love Nutella! the taste never gets old and it always reminds me of my childhood memories. Also, when I went to Dubai, they've used this as a filling in a crepe which was really delicious.

    By the way, if you are looking for some comfort food for good mood, I have some in my blog. :)

  16. I have friends and know many people who are so adik in Nutella, haha.

  17. Sang groceries specifically meron? Parang wala ng stock in every supermarkets ive went to :(

  18. sa rustans meron sa ayala meron

  19. I have nutella spreads po from Italy. Its more expensive than from US but the taste is really different. Visit my FB page Gianna's Cake for more details. Thank u!

  20. Hi sis we sell products from the US like nutella & go and 750g nutella definitely cheaper than the mall prices

    1. btw here's our site or you can contact me 09173881157/09165527678 .
      guaranteed cheapest price sis ! :) cheers and have a good one


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